2024 North Star Award

When the situation warrants, the Alaska Chamber presents a North Star Award to an individual or organization in Alaska, who through a special project, action, or concern, developed or pursued the endeavor for the betterment of all Alaska residents. These individuals or organizations provide a significant contribution to the future of the great state of Alaska.

NOMINATION DEADLINE: July 31, 2024 (No submissions will be considered after the deadline)

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Business Information
Enter Business Address, City, State, and Zip/Postal Code

Nomination Information

Please describe how has this individual used a special project, action, or concern, developed or pursued the endeavor for the betterment of all Alaska residents. How has this individual or organization provided a significant contribution to the future of the great state of Alaska?

Nomination Letter

20MB max
The nomination must be accompanied by a current bio or resume. Additional support documents may also be submitted. Please note max upload size of all documents combined is 20 megabytes. If there are additional documents you wish to submit, please contact Lydia Haigh at 907.278.2722 or via email at Lydia@alaskachamber.com.

You can attach the endorsement letter with the nomination form or email the endorsement to kari@alaskachamber.com by June 30, 2023 for your nomination to be considered.

20MB max

20MB max

20MB max